Thursday, June 3, 2010

Past History Dictates Future Response

My SIL called today and has period-like cramps and pink spotting. Gah.

If it were me and I was spotting pink and cramping, I would be freaking OUT. I would be convinced that it was all coming to a bloody end. Of course, I did not disclose that information to her. I rattled off all of the platitudes that people always said to me, "It's only pink, you're fine." "Hormonal changes." "Irritated cervix." "A little spotting is normal."

I tried to remind myself that, for most people, a little bit of spotting can be normal. But it still made my heart pound. I urged her to call her doctor, knowing in my heart that they'd probably just brush it off and tell her to put her feet up, but hoping they'll have her come in and do an ultrasound.

I'm glad she called me. I certainly do have experience with miscarriages, so I am a good person to call, I suppose. Unfortunately, my personal history makes it very hard for me to believe that this will turn out okay.


Anonymous said...

I totally understand. I would have the glass is half empty view too.

HereWeGoAJen said...

I had a fairly similar experience with Elizabeth. I spotted for a LONG time. And of course, I was convinced it was all over. Luckily, it wasn't. So it can be normal. Of course, half the time it isn't. Blech.

Anonymous said...

Sending hugs to your SIL. And praying for a miracle.

Stacey said...

I understand where you're coming from. Glad you can be there to support her, but hoping and praying that it will be okay.

Anonymous said...

Oh no. I hope the platitudes are right and everything is okay.

Ms. J said...

Oh honey, I get ya. When I hear somebody is pregnant I can't help but thinking . . . it's a long way to the finish line.