Thursday, February 11, 2010


When his cries woke us at 5:45 yesterday morning, I knew we were in for a rough day. Will never wakes up that early anymore. He is far more likely to sleep until 8 or later.

M went in to give him some love and settle him back down. I was just about to fall back asleep when his cries rewoke me at 6:30. They were weak cries that might usually signal he was settling back to sleep. I let him fuss for a little while, but though they stayed weak, they stayed constant. When I entered the room, his pathetic little "Mama" greeted me. I reached into the crib for him and the heat hit my hands before his body actually touched me.

Our Little Monkey doesn't mess around when it comes to running fevers. He doesn't stop 'til he hits 103. A dose of infant tylenol usually does the trick. I give that a couple of hours and if it doesn't lower the temperature by at least a degree, a back up dose of infant motrin certainly does. So, it was some water, some tylenol, and taking him back to my bed with me to sing songs and rub his back. Other than his temperature and a little extra cuddles, he seemed okay. He didn't have a stuffy nose, hoarse voice, cough, red ears, extra messy diapers, or any other symptoms. And this remained the case throughout the day. He ran a fever constantly, despite doses of both medications (though they did lower it to 101), didn't eat much, was fussy and grumpy, but I couldn't really put a finger on what was wrong with him. I just snuggled, cuddled, and loved on him and hoped he would start to feel better.

It might sound weird to want some symptoms, but I would honestly feel a bit better if he had something else "wrong" with him. Not that I want something to be wrong, but I know what to do with a cold or ear infection, but this lack of something to put my finger on as far as what is wrong is a bit disconcerting. I don't even know what to say to the doctor if I brought him in.

But I will call in today if he is still feverish and acting a bit wonky. Better to be safe than sorry.


HereWeGoAJen said...

But if something is wrong, you can fix it, unlike if you just think that SOMETHING must be wrong.

I hope that he feels better soon.

Ohio Nurse said...

100 to 101 is acceptable in a young child. If you can keep it in that range or lower I wouldn't bother with the ped at this point. If you give Tylenol or Motrin it stops the body's natural infection-immune response of fever. Fever is a good thing - it heats the body up hot enough that bacteria are killed off. Though if it stays at 103 or higher with or without symptoms take him in.

Beth said...

Blah for sick kiddos! Hope Will feels better and SOON.

We have had nothing but sickness & germs at our house this week too. It was husband first, then Jacob, then Mama, now Wyatt, and hopefully NOT Nate.

Interesting info from Ohio Nurse, I'll tuck that info away in the back of my mind - thank you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I stopped reading when I got to the part that he usually sleeps till at least 8!! Please tell me when he started doing that and will Jacob EVER do it??

Just kidding about stopping reading though, I hope he feels better soon!

Katie said...

Ohio Nurse, you are right that fever is a good thing, but our ped has always advised us to treat a fever that goes higher than 102 with Will, since he does have a tendency to spike higher fevers and she doesn't want to risk febrile seizures. So, we it goes above 102, that's exactly what I do! But thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it and agree with you, which is why I don't treat fevers less than 102 and didn't call the ped yesterday!

Katie said...

And Mrs. B, yes, I know, I am VERY forunate!!!! Like all things with sleep and Will, I imagine this phase is only temporary and I will shortly be back to the 6 AM wake ups he was so famous for until recently. He startes sleeping in more when he dropped his morning nap and just has an afternoon nap now. And the later he sleeps in, the shorter that afternoon nap is, so it's all a trade off in terms of total amounts of sleep. But yeah, I am loving every second of the later wake ups.

Danifred said...

Poor little guy. I hate when they feel icky. I, too, always want to know exactly what is wrong. I think it's that desire to want to fix it. We are the Mommies, afterall!

Sophie said...

To fix it and to know it's not something scary, which it's not. But I'm with you, give me a cough, or an eartug, or even some good ol' vomit with my little one's fever. I also don't medicate unless it's over 101, or if it's keeping him so fussy he can't get good rest.

Red said...

Hope he gets better real soon.

Anonymous said...

Poor kid! Hope he's feeling better soon.