By midday, it had spread to my entire abdomen and both forearms. It isn't a dark rash (most of the bumps are pale pink or even skin color). You can feel it (like sandpaper) all over my belly and arms. It doesn't look like PUPPS and it only slightly itches. I haven't changed any soaps, lotions, detergents, perfumes, etc. for myself or Will. I use Cetaphil wash and moisterizer and have since I was pregnant with Will.
Any suggestions or thoughts? I have a call into my OB but they are sometimes bad about calling back on the weekend. I am not that worried, but it's irritating and you guys have the best advice for treating the random little pregnancy side effects!
Oh no! I don't have any suggestions, but I hope the doc can get you some relief soon. The itchies are the WORST. My skin has been itchy for several weeks now, but nothing that I could identify as a rash, just more of a general discomfort. Ahhh, pregnancy hormones. Gotta love 'em.
I would say viral or maybe a food reaction? glad you are getting it checked out. no fun :(
My guess, based on past experience, would be shingles. Rash usually appears on stomach, back, arms, or face. Mildly itchy but very bumpy. Often accompanied by some muscle weakness or nerve problems in the week before the rash occurs, which may have been confused with your neck problems. Being pregnant puts you at higher risk for it.
Read up on it, and if you think that's it, then go see your doctor right away. It shouldn't be harmful to you or the baby, but if you want it to go away fast then you need to start anti-virals very very quickly or it won't help. (I think it's something like start the medication within 36 hours of the rash appearing, or else you'll just have to wait for it to run its course, which can take several weeks.)
Good luck!
While pregnant with one of my kids I had terrible eczema that started under my bra line then spread over my entire body before the dr could figure out what it was.
When pregnant (and even now...) I get histamine releases that cause itchy red bumps that I HAVE to scratch... and then, like they were never there, they disappear... My OB said they are common to women with very sensitive skin, during pregnancy.
my only advice is to take some benadryl and see if it goes away. (benadryl is on my ob's list of approved meds for preggos....i've taken it a few times with both pregnancies). hope you figure out what's up soon!
Oohhh- Did you have any sun exposure to that area? I know, it is the PNW in the spring, there is no sun, but just a thought. After my pregnancy I was "allergic" to the sun - generally in the spring, after my first sun exposure I would have a red rash. RX was for a stiff hydrocortisone cream, but I was not pg at the time so you would want to ask about that. Good luck.
Hives. I got them early on in my pregnancy as well and still get them on and off right now. It's cause my allergies are out of control right now. Try benadryl and see what happens.
I was also going to suggest hives. One thing I learned a long time ago- don't take benadryl AND apply a topical at the same time... it traps in the antihistamines and causes more problems. Not that you may not already know that tidbit :)
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