Saturday, May 30, 2009

Making Plans

When I was pregnant with Will, and just after he was born, I got cocky. Well, maybe not cocky, perhaps, more hopeful. I was hopeful that my body, now having carried a baby to term, would suddenly know what to do with embryos and that my husband and I could drink a little wine, have a little s-e-x, and end up with a baby.

Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen.

While I know that chemical pregnancies are pretty common, and that this last one could have just been a fluke, I am tired to being on the wrong side of statistics. I don't want to keep going through these flukes, especially when we have five perfectly good totsicles sitting on ice at our REs. It's just too emotionally wrenching for all of us.

I do realize that chemical pregnancies and miscarriages can easily happen after an FET. However, I am really hoping that we will get one RLB out of our five frozens.

M and I had tossed around a lot of different ideas for when we wanted to do our first attempt for Baby #2. Now that we have had another early loss, we have decided that sooner is better than later. We have decided that a September FET would be perfect, so I am not hugely pregnant in the late summer months again, and so they will be a little less than two years apart, should we be lucky enough to get - and stay - pregnant the first time.

So, there you have it. September sounds so far away, but it's really not. It's going to fly by.


AwkwardMoments said...

Having a plan is great! Good for you

Adriane said...

September WILL be here before you know it! Cheers to not being big pregnant in the summer. Yuck!

S and J plus 4 said...

Good for you Katie! Best wishes and prayers for September!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's exciting! I can't wait to follow you through another pregnancy!

~Hollie said...

Sounds like a great plan! We've got 3 embies in the freezer too and its not far from my mind WHEN the next go around will be. Glad some one has been there and can shed some light on our decision! Lots of prayers for you on your FET in Sept!

Mazzy said...

Exciting (and I am sure somewhat scary) indeed. I am thrilled for you and hope with my deepest hope that a second baby comes as easily as possible for you. You are so strong and brave!