Monday, July 5, 2010

Street Rat Crazy

I started to get a bit excited yesterday. Some moderate contractions woke me up early and continued throughout the morning. They were pretty strong and very regular at 20 minutes apart. By the early afternoon, they had moved to about 12 minutes apart. We were about to call my MIL and have her head down to get Will.

And then, they slowed down. They didn't stop, but they went back to their 20 minute intervals.

Now, I am just a contracting mess. Everywhere from once an hour to every 20 minutes, I have a contraction that is pretty strong and painful (not horribly, unbearably painful, but catch my breath painful). A few have taken my breath away. They don't stop when I lay down, they wake me up when I am sleeping, so I don't think they are Braxton Hicks. But I also don't think I am in "labor." They have not gotten to the point where they are close enough together to warrant a trip to L&D and since I am now 37 weeks and considered full term, they will do nothing to stop them. They are really quite annoying and between them and the sleep they are costing me, I am a wee bit grumpy today (M and Will might have a different description of my grumpy state).

My next OB appointment is tomorrow, so I will be interested to see if all of this contracting has lead to any sort of dilation. We never heard from the surgery schedulers on a final c-section date, but perhaps Miss Emma will not wait for whatever date that is. Or I will go street-rat crazy with contractions like these for the next two weeks.


Ms. J said...

um, an up side to going early?! Perhaps we could manage a visit when I am in Seattle at the end of the month after all!

Debby said...

oh if you go before me i will be soooo jealous! nothing much but a few contractions here and there going on for next appt. is friday. Good luck with eveyrthing and I hope they either turn into something real or leave you alone so you can rest!

Rachel said...

So exciting! I'm quite sure that 'grumpiness' is a sign of early labor. Perhaps you should remind your husband of this and see if he'll take care of bedtime, etc. tonight.

Laura said...

How exciting! I hope you are doing well!

It is what it is said...

Wow...things are definitely going on. I look forward to your blog entry post OB visit tomorrow :)

Anonymous said...

Squee! I can't wait for some newborn Emma goodness!

Anonymous said...

I just cant believe you are so close!! What are we hoping for? Labor vibes or stay put vibes?

Anonymous said...

This sounds like my sister's "prodromal labor" (aka false labor) that she had for 2 1/2 weeks (!) before my nephew was born. They were never closer than 8 minutes apart and never further apart than 20 min. It was just so frustrating for her. And then one day my nephew, literally, fell out. :) Her water broke in the hospital parking lot and she had him 7 minutes later.

HereWeGoAJen said...

I hope it either slows down or speeds up soon!

And you'd better update us constantly!

Stacey said...

Wow, you are getting so close! I hope things will progress OR that these contractions will calm down for a while. Keep us posted! Can't wait to help you welcome your sweet girl.