That's all I can say. Wow.
Well, since this is a blog, I will obviously say more. The shower was amazing.
My mother and sister-in-law put a ton of effort into making it a lovely party and they more than succeeded. The decorations were adorable, the food was amazing, and I was a little overwhelmed by all of the attention.
We got a bunch of really great stuff: books, blankets, onesies, cute outfits, a diaper champ, pack n' play, more blankets, more cute outfits, socks, you name it. I was literally lost in the pile of gifts. Afterward, my sister-in-law took me to this amazing baby store and had me pick out my diaper bag, because she wanted to get me just the "right one."
My best friend went with me and took a lot of pictures - over one hundred. They are dowloading onto the computer as I type this. I have already looked at a few and man, I look huge. But I look happy, too. Glowing, for sure. I also look a little red-faced, because it was really warm in the room and I was a little embarassed having all those eyes on me for the hour it took to open all of the gifts. Also, quite a few of the guests were friends of my mother-in-law's that I didn't know, so I would open the card and see the name, but not know who to look at in the circle of faces.
We played two shower games, but nothing obnoxious like someone trying to measure me with toilet paper, and of course, ate, ate, ate! I was lamenting that my next weigh-in appointment is this week and I had to have gained at least five pounds just yesterday alone. My mother-in-law made these insanely good chicken salad croissant sandwiches, there were platters of fruits and veggies, and this amazing spinach dip, and chips, and candy, and nuts, and yeah. . . it might be more than five pounds.
My friend took half of our loot home in her car and then my husband arrived after the shower so that we could celebrate our birthdays. We had another huge meal and a second cake! Then, my mother-in -law gave us our birthday gift - a video camera!
We are definitely very blessed to have all of these caring people in our lives. I did start to cry when I sat down on the couch and was surrounded by all of the gifts and people. The reality that this was my shower hit me all at once and I was just so overwhelmed by this miracle. Of course, my tears started other tears and everyone was worried that I was getting too warm, so I had to fight them back and get started on my mountain of gifts.
So, even though I think that I look like a big polka dot whale, here are some pictures of the day:
Me and best friend, C.

Grandma J's favorite gift.

The food and cake.
Crazy cousin K gives me a frosting kiss!

Wonderful! I am so happy that you had a good shower.
You look terrific, by the way. Really.
You are gorgeous! You do not look like a whale at all!!! I think pregnant women are so beautiful and full of life (literally and figuratively).
What a wonderful shower/birthday!!! Congrats girl! I cannot wait for his birth and pictures to follow!
OH yeah... and those chicken salad croissants... *droooooool*
I think you look gorgeous...honestly...gorgeous. Did you notice you and I wore virtually the same shirt at our showers (except mine was the short sleeve version?)
I'm so glad you had a wonderful deserve it. It's overwhelming, isn't it? Now you get to go through all your stuff again as you unpack it all. I've yet to begin, and it's a week later.
You ARE glowing... and you look gorgeous!! It looks like it was a ton of fun... I'm so glad that you had such wonderful friends and family celebrate this miracle with you :O).
Hooray for the wonderful shower!
And you look absolutely wonderful! (You're not a whale at ALL.)
And just in case I only thought I commented the other day...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
You look beautiful. Radiant and pregnant, but far from huge.
I am glad you enjoyed your shower!
That's great! You look absolutely beautiful!
BTW, I experienced the same thing at my shower with not knowing who to look at for certain gifts. It was the same situation with my mother in law inviting her friends...very uncomfortable.
I'm so glad you had a nice shower -- you deserve it! And you really don't look at all whale-esque (or at least I hope not -- I've definitely been catching up lately) -- I think you look fabulous and, as been been noted already, glowing. Congrats!
I think you look WONDERFUL!
I am so glad you had a gret time. Looks like htere was so much fun to be had!
It sounds like you had a wonderful and amazing time. I bet the cake was good. You had a smile on your face and look great. It looks like it was a fun day.
You look so happy. I am glad that you had a great time, you deserve it. This is just the beginning of many wonderful days to come. Enjoy them!
Wow, I think you look so beautiful. And definitely happy and glowing.
Sounds like a really wonderful shower!!
What a blessing!
I am so glad you had such a wonderful shower and you look so amazing beautiful. You cannot fuss about weight gain, you just can't. You look simply stunning!
You absolutely looked beautiful in those photos!!!!!!!!
I had to come back and tell you that at my shower, my face was red, too (from the attention and all the body heat we were generating). It's just part of that "glow" people always tell you that you have!
I almost couldn't find you in the pics, because I was looking for a really huge girl, LOL! You look absolutely gorgeous and incredibly happy. And while your belly is big, that is it. I'm glad you had a wonderful shower. It has been a long time in coming.
Aawww what a great time! And you don't look huge at all! I'm lovin the belly shot!
Looks like you had a great shower with tons of great stuff! So fun! You look fabulous in the pictures!! So glad you enjoyed your special day that has been such a long time coming.
Congratulations! Sounds like you've been waiting for this day for a long time. Enjoy every minute of it!!
You look gorgeous, definitely no whale!!!
And wow, those are amazing pictures of your boy!!! he looks very handsome, indeed! just showed my DH your son's pictures and he went WOW, too! :)
Katie you are radiant and are looking stunning - no polka dot whale in my view finder by any means! Glad it went well and that you were well and truly spoilt :)
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