Tuesday, he started with a runny nose and just general grumpiness. By Tuesday night, he was refusing all solid food and extremely fussy. We put him to bed early, in the hopes that a little extra rest might do the trick. Two hours later, his weak cries (so unlike his usual screams if he calls for me in the middle of the night), brought me into his room, where I could feel the heat coming from his little body before I even touched him.
With a temperature of 104.3 that did not respond to Tyl.enol or Mo.trin, we found ourselves at the pediatrician on Wednesday afternoon. Poor Little Man was definitely not a happy camper. The doctor gave him a thorough exam and decided that it was a virus and prescribed Comfort Care (all the fluid, loves, and snuggles he wanted) to get him through. Since we had already been doing that, it seemed a bit of a waste of time, but at least we were assured that nothing serious was wrong with him.
All he wanted to do was nurse, nurse, nurse. He didn't want solids, didn't want to sleep in his crib, didn't want to play, didn't want to do anything but have a boob in his mouth. So, we both went to bed and pretty much camped out there. My breasts are pretty sore after a few days of constant nursing, but Will is finally feeling better. Thank goodness!
Happy that it was nothing serious! Their first high temp can really freak a mom out! And that pic is just precious :)
Oh I know THAT LIP all too well! Poor lil' guy :o(
Sounds like Mommy could use an Easter treat, too.
Poor little guy! Lemy had a good bit of fever too this week, apparently caused by a virus. I think she's finally starting to feel better, but after 5-6 days with fever its been rough.
Very glad that he's doing better!!! :)
omg that picture is too sweet :)
sometimes the times when they are sick, are the times when you really feel like a mom...and shh...i love those times.
he is gorgeous! I am glad you all survived. Baby Sicks are NO FUN AT ALL
I'm glad he's feeling better! Now, both of you rest up!
I'm so glad he's feeling so much better. It always freaks me out when I think of my future children getting sick. I don't like feeling helpless.
Ah, Will is becoming a man and just wants boobs. ;)
POOR BABY! Scary, that fever would give me a heart attack. I am terrified of dealing with a sick baby... I hope he is feeling better and back to his old self ASAP.
I'm so glad he's feeling better! I love the pic -- so sweet :)
Oh poor baby! I hope that by the time you read this he is alllllllll better!
What the heck happened to you!? You have us all worried!
Hope you guys are all OK! No update for a while, so wanted to post a note. Hopefully Will is feeling better by now.
Pssst, you okay? You've been silent a while. I get nervous when Blog Buddies are silent for too long.
Wuv ya ;o)
dude, he is so big and cute! Get him here now, I need to shoot that dude!!
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