Monday, September 16, 2013


Oh, my poor little blog.  Once, this place was my lifeline.  I couldn't imagine visiting and writing here every single day.  I couldn't imagine what my life would be like without my postings here.

And now. . . it sounds trite to say that I am too busy to post, but it is simply the truth.  With a full time career and three children five and under. . . my life is busy, busy, busy.

It is a good busy, a happy busy, a crazy-hectic-filled-with-love-laughter-and-more-busy.

It has been two months since I posted, and a lot has changed here.  Most importantly, I quit my job and started a new one.  As you can imagine, a lot of chaos has ensued with that.  And. . . I leave for training. . . next week. . . and. . . it is three weeks away.

Three.  Weeks.  Away.

All that I have to do, professionally and personally, before embarking on such a trip, is overwhelming to say the least.  Somehow, someway, I will get through it, but it is gonna be dicey.

I return on Andrew's first birthday.

Another topic that throws me for a loop, if you must know.  My third and FINAL (because the good ol' tubes were tied) baby is not a baby for much longer.  He is practically walking, already talking, and eating like an eighteen year old. 

Add to this that Emma recently had her very first day of preschool (which, she was so ready for) and that Will recently turned five. . . and, wow.  Just unbelievable how fast time flies.  Again, so cliché, and yet so very true.  It all goes so fast.

My infertility days seem far behind me in some ways, and yet, I can still remember the dark desperation and sadness of that time.  Which is why I still check in here and keep up with all of you.  I remember. Each and every day, I do remember.

So, this blog might not get as many updates as it once did, but I am still here, still chugging.  And updating when I can.  I hope you are all well.


It Is What It Is said...

So glad to hear from you and gladder (yeah, not quite a word but my comment, my rules) still that life is rushing in.

That is a LOT of change all at once. It sounds like you are managing.

3 weeks away! 'Nuff said.

Be well, old friend.

M said...

Have a good trip and I hope the new job is great!

Can't believe all the changes in your life but very glad to hear an update from you.

HereWeGoAJen said...

I'm so glad to hear that it is a good busy. I miss you!

Ashliegh Levesque said...

I've followed your blog for a while and I love your writing. You're an inspiration and I wanted to let you know I've nominated you for a Sunshine Award. Thank you for telling your story and for being a resource and support for all of us "Taking the Statistical Bullet" (I love that title btw). You can see the link of the nomination here:

Erin Bakal said...

Hoping that you and the kiddos had a great holiday and a wonderful New Year!